The challenges of Big Data are frequently explained by dealing with Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity.
The challenges of Big Data are frequently explained by dealing with Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity. The large variety of data in organizations results from accessing different information systems with heterogeneous schemata or ontologies. In this talk I will present the research efforts that target the management of such broad data.
They include: (i) an integrated development environment for programming with broad data, (ii) a query language that allows for typing of query results, (iii) a typed lambda-calculus based on description logics, and (iv) efficient access to data repositories via schema indices.
Steffen studied computer science and computational linguistics in Erlangen (Germany), Philadelphia (USA) and Freiburg (Germany). Afterwards he worked as researcher at Uni. Stuttgart/Fraunhofer and Univ. Karlsruhe, before he became professor in Koblenz, Germany. Since 2015 he also holds a chair in Web and Computer Science at University of Southampton, UK. In his research career he has managed to avoid almost all good advice that he now gives to his team members. Such advise includes focusing on research (vs. company) or concentrating on only one or two research areas (vs. considering ontologies, semantic web, social web, data engineering, text mining, peer-to-peer, multimedia, HCI, services, software modelling and programming and some more). Though, actually, improving how we understand and use text and data is a good common denominator for a lot of Steffen's professional activities.
Its program consists of a one-hour lecture followed by a discussion. The lecture is based on an (internationally) exceptional or remarkable achievement of the lecturer, presented in a way which is comprehensible and interesting to a broad computer science community. The lectures are in English.
The idea to organize this seminar emerged in discussions of the representatives of several research institutes on how to avoid the undesired fragmentation of the Czech computer science community.
The seminar is organized by the organizational committee consisting of Roman Barták (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Jaroslav Hlinka (Czech Academy of Sciences, Computer Science Institute), Michal Chytil, Pavel Kordík (CTU in Prague, Faculty of Information Technologies), Michal Koucký (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Jan Kybic (CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering), Michal Pěchouček (CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering), Jiří Sgall (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Vojtěch Svátek (Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics), Michal Šorel (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Information Theory and Automation), Tomáš Werner (CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering), and Filip Železný (CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering)