20. března 2025
Computing equilibria in games is a problem of great interest in both economics and computer science. We present a min-max formulation of this problem, in which the minimizer seeks an equilibrium solution for the game, while the maximizer seeks to find fault with the proposed solutions.
Computing equilibria in games is a problem of great interest in both economics and computer science. We present a min-max formulation of this problem, in which the minimizer seeks an equilibrium solution for the game, while the maximizer seeks to find fault with the proposed solutions. We call this problem the “forward” problem. In the “backwards” problem, we are instead given an equilibrium and a parameterized game, and we are interested in inferring a game from that equilibrium: i.e., identifying the game parameters that induce the observed equilibrium.
We consider the backwards problem under weaker and weaker assumptions, ranging from inverse multiagent planning to inverse multiagent learning and beyond, for each of which we present min-max formulations. We apply our backwards method to Spanish electricity market time-series price data, and then push the inferred game forward to predict future prices.
Amy Greenwald is Professor of Computer Science at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Her research focuses on game-theoretic and economic interactions among computational agents with applications to automated bidding and negotiation in domains ranging from advertising auctions to supply chains. She is also active in promoting diversity in Computer Science, leading multiple initiatives at primary and secondary public schools.
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Idea Pražského informatického semináře vznikla z rozhovorů představitelů několika vědeckých institucí na téma, jak odstranit zbytečnou fragmentaci informatické komunity v ČR.
Seminář připravuje organizační výbor ve složení Roman Barták (MFF UK), Jaroslav Hlinka (ÚI AV ČR), Michal Chytil, Pavel Kordík (FIT ČVUT), Michal Koucký (MFF UK), Jan Kybic (FEL ČVUT), Michal Pěchouček (FEL ČVUT), Jiří Sgall (MFF UK), Vojtěch Svátek (FIS VŠE), Michal Šorel (ÚTIA AV ČR), Tomáš Werner (FEL ČVUT), Filip Železný (FEL ČVUT)